FAQs About TRT

Questions asked of Northridge chiropractor, Dr. John Termini, who practices near North Hills, Granada Hills, Reseda, Chatsworth, Tarzana, CanogaPark, West Hills and Encino are answered here.
That’s OK. These techniques require that your body responds in fairly organized and coordinated ways in order for the therapeutic response to be significant. Did you ride a bike perfectly the first time you got on it? Some will respond to these techniques straight away. Others will take a few “lessons” before they “catch on”.
If you’ve always played tennis and you now go and play a game of squash, even though they seem similar, they use different muscles and stress different ligaments and tendons. Similarly with these new techniques, even though the end result is pretty much the same as any other kind of adjustment... The manner in which your body achieves this change is somewhat different. The reason some people are sore after the first time they have this adjustment is because different muscles, nerves and/or soft-tissues will have been stimulated.
Massage is designed to stretch, relax and stimulate blood flow in tight and contracted muscles and other soft-tissues. “Manual” adjustments (cracking joints) are designed to free stiff or stuck joints. That is the “therapist” is doing the work to you. The intended result of these newer techniques is to reprogram your body to start releasing and dissipating stored tension. As such they are steering your body to release, relax and realign itself. In this sense, these new techniques replace the old methods.
These techniques are focused on helping your body to better look after itself: As such they actually work better when your body is given some time to respond after each part of the adjustment is delivered. In a sense we do as little as possible to get your own body to do as much as possible.
TRT uses the legs to help determine where in the spine the nervous system is being irritated. Based on patterns of contraction in one leg compared to the other, and by applying pressure to strategic points on the spinal column we can locate exactly where your spine needs to be adjusted. The pattern and degree of tension in your central nervous system is “mirrored” by patterns of muscle tension and imbalance in your hips and legs. (Similar to a Doctor measuring your blood pressure in your arm to tell what is happening in your heart.)
Because these methods work with neurological reflexes: By releasing the tension in the nervous system, the muscles around the spine will relax, releasing the restriction in the joints.
Even though these techniques don’t seem to work directly on muscles, one of the major effects is reduction in muscle tension and shortening. We have absolutely nothing against a massage in between adjustments for relaxation, enjoyment, sports recovery, or more specific trigger point work. However, we do not recommend having a massage on the same day as, and probably even for 24-48 hours following an adjustment. This is because your body will still be processing its adjustment and probably doesn’t need any more stimulation.
These methods are ideally suited to adjusting children, and many kids prefer this style of adjustment. Discussion with our colleagues who have introduced these techniques have revealed repeated success stories with many and varied childhood health issues, from ear infections to ADHD, colic and reflux, sleeping disorders and bedwetting.
Torque Release Technique (TRT) is the first Chiropractic Technique to be created through a rigorous scientific research and development process. TRT aims to improve health and wellbeing by improving Nervous System function via specific Adjustment of Primary Subluxations. TRT is an extremely gentle chiropractic method and has been published in major Medical and Chiropractic Journals and featured on the Discovery Health Channel.
Northridge chiropractor, Dr. John Termini practices near Granada Hills, Reseda, Chatsworth, Tarzana, North Hills, Canoga Park, West Hills and Encino has been personally trained by Dr. Jay Holder, DC, MD. Dr Holder is the developer of the research that led to the development of the Torque Release Technique (TRT) ...
TRT practitioners liken the relationship between the brain and spinal cord nerves to a guitar string. As the tension along the string is altered, the pitch of the note is changed. The tone of your nervous system is responsible for our General Adaptive Potential (GAP). When our potential is overloaded with stress we go into a protective state of tension. Check and see if you have muscle tension. If you do, then you're GAP has been overloaded. We age faster when overloaded. So keeping the right nerve tone is very important to age appropriately and stay healthy.
Changes in nerve tone diminish our General Adaptive Potential (GAP). Smaller the GAP means less stress you can deal with and trigger a Stress Response. Check this out and see what I mean. Especially if you are taking any medications because of illness issues.
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
Termini Chiropractic Relief & Wellness
16933 Parthenia Street #112
Northridge, CA 91343